Second Edition of the FIFA Football Agent Exam: Requirements, Preparation, and Tips

Only those with a FIFA license can offer agent services, making it clear that without license, no football agent services are allowed starting October 1st, 2023.

They don’t call football/soccer ‘the beautiful game’ for nothing. Football is a sport that is universally adored. It brings people together from all nations and unites them in their love for this globally revered sport.

Not only is football/soccer a sport that is incredibly enjoyable to play and watch, it is also very lucrative and can open up an endless list of possibilities in terms of career options. One such possibility is to become a FIFA football agent.

Football agents are very highly sought after at the moment, and with more people getting into the sports management industry and with more potential players seeking FIFA football agents, what better time to get into the lucrative and highly competitive world of football and soccer than right now?

If you wish to become a football agent there’s a lot to consider beforehand. Not only will you need to fight off competition to make it onto a FIFA football agents list you will also need to pass a football agent exam, which is what we’re looking at today.

Below you’ll find a handy FIFA Football Agent Exam guide in which we’ll be looking at how to prepare for a FIFA football agents course, FIFA football agent exam study materials, how to become a licensed football agent, and much more.

Understanding the FIFA Football Agent Exam -  Second Edition

Before we can begin looking at what is needed to sit your football agent exam, and indeed, how to pass the FIFA agent exam, we need to understand exactly what it is, and what agents are.

What is a football agent?

In the world of pro football, whether you’re playing in La Liga, Serie A, or the English Premier League (EPL) virtually all football players need an agent.

The reason why football agent jobs are in such high demand at the moment is due to the fact that so many up-and-coming players need an agent. A football agent is basically a manager for a football/soccer player. An agent will act on behalf of the player to negotiate a club/team for the player, salary, wages, endorsements, and various other contractual clauses.

A FIFA football agent doesn’t generally work for free, though there are of course free football agents out there. Usually, they will work on a commission basis which is typically 5% of the player’s contract. Just be aware that this fee can vary from contract to contract, and agent to agent.

A football agent salary can also vary hugely, especially as some agents work as part of a company whereas others are self-employed and work as individuals.

It is of course, worth taking a football agent course and qualifying, as the more players you take on, the more money you stand to make. Not only that, but you will also find your reputation growing in the process.

It isn’t just matters relating to football that may be overseen by a Kia football agent as agents may also oversee endorsements, sponsorships, social media, media appearances, social and personal aspects of their client’s lives as well.

FIFA Agent Exam Overview

In order for an individual to qualify as a licensed FIFA agent, they will need to sit and pass, a FIFA Agent examination. There will be two FIFA football agent exams in the year 2023. The first has been and gone, having been held on the 19th of April, 2023. The second will take place on the 20th of September, 2023.

As far as the FIFA football agent exam 2024 is concerned, there will again be two exams held, in the months of May and November. Candidates will have to submit their applications by March 31st and September 30th, depending on which months they plan on sitting their exams.

Following the new FFAR (FIFA Football Agents Regulations) in late 2022, in order for individuals to obtain a FIFA license and work as an agent or as part of a football agency company, unless they are exempt, they must sit, and pass, a football agent course, also known as a FIFA agent exam.

The Second Edition of FIFA Football Agent Exam, as well as the Exam 2024, is a 60-minute examination test that is comprised of 20 multiple-choice questions. The questions are designed to test the candidate’s knowledge of the FIFA football transfer system, and the various FIFA regulations, which are constantly evolving. In order for a candidate to pass, they need to get a minimum of 75% of the questions correct.

Candidates must provide their own laptops and internet signal. Candidates are also responsible for their own connectivity. Any loss of connectivity will result in a fail, and candidates will need to re-book.

Importance of the FIFA Agent License

After the new FIFA Football Agent Regulations (FFAR) were approved by the FIFA Council in late 2022, individuals looking to become soccer agents would need to fit an extensive array of criteria. Only individuals possessing a FIFA license may perform agent services.

This basically means that, unless you possess a FIFA agent license, you may not perform any football agent services. As of October 1st, 2023, no individual without a license will be permitted to provide agency services in the football industry.

FIFA licenses are only issued to natural individuals which means that only licensed individuals can offer FIFA agent services, take on football agent jobs, or consider becoming a football agent. Needless to say, if you intend on becoming an English football agent, or any other agent for that matter, a FIFA agent license is essential, as is a solid understanding of the FIFA regulations.

Eligibility Criteria for the FIFA Agent Exam

If individuals wish to obtain a license in order to trade as a football agent, they must apply via the FIFA Agent platform.

Before you even think about sitting a football agent course, you must first ensure you fit the necessary criteria. Unless you were licensed as an agent according to the former FFAR 1991, 1995, 2001, and 2008 editions, you will need to follow the new football agent path, which includes sitting and passing the FIFA football agent exam.

You will also need to follow the New Agent path if:

·         You comply with various eligibility requirements

·         You submit an application form via the FIFA Agent Platform

·         You pay FIFA the annual license fee

If you were licensed as an agent under the previous regulations, you will fit the criteria for the Legacy Agent path, which means you do not need to sit the FIFA Agent Exam 2023.

FIFA Agent Exam Requirements

Before you can begin looking at FIFA football agent exam study materials, you need to understand the requirements for sitting this exam.

While there is an extensive list of requirements and regulations, we’re going to do our best to cover them briefly below. 

Check out the following FIFA football agent regulations 2022 and beyond, to get a better understanding of the FIFA agent exam requirements.

Educational Qualifications

As far as educational qualifications are concerned, you will be pleased to learn that there are no specific educational qualification requirements when it comes to sitting your exam.

Football agents are not required to complete an undergraduate degree, although that level of study can certainly be useful in terms of FIFA agent exam preparation, passing your FIFA agent exam, obtaining your license, and becoming an agent.

Experience in the Football Industry

Another common misconception when it comes to FIFA agent exam questions is that you need to have previous experience in the football industry. This is not the case.

To become a football agent, typically there are no academic requirements, nor are there any requirements when it comes to working in the football industry. You can start from the bottom and work your way up with no issues at all.

Of course, having prior football industry experience may help in the job itself, but as far as FIFA agent exam practice questions and FIFA agent exam preparation go, the only thing that matters is your FIFA agent exam results after sitting your exam.

FIFA Regulations and Code of Ethics

Before you submit your FIFA agent exam application it is important to sit down and read through FIFA’s extensive list of regulations and code of ethics.

FIFA’s code of ethics is put in place to ensure that those who choose to become football agents or become FIFA licensees, abide by FIFA’s rules and regulations.

In FIFA’s code of ethics, you’ll find sections on discrimination and defamation, bribery and corruption, misappropriation and misuse of funds, manipulation of football matches or competitions, and much more.

As far as how to become a FIFA agent is concerned, before you even consider filling out your FIFA agent exam application, you should first go ahead and read FIFA’s code of ethics and familiarise yourself with it as best you can.

Preparation Strategies for the FIFA Agent Exam

In order for you to start preparing to sit your FIFA agent exam 2023, you need to ensure you are as well prepared as possible. As the saying goes ‘failure to prepare is preparing to fail’.

There are a number of FIFA football agent exam study materials out there to help you prepare, along with countless football agent work experience opportunities for you to sink your teeth into. If you are looking to hit the big time and start representing some of football’s brightest prospects, plenty of FIFA agent exam study is essential.

Here are several FIFA agent examination preparation strategies to help you become the best football agent you can possibly be.

Study Materials and Resources

First and foremost, to help you start your own football agency company and start representing the best of the best, you need to pass your exam. This is where football agent exam study materials are so useful.

 Like any exam, the more study materials and resources you can utilize, the better your chances will be of passing. Take the time to read FIFA’s extensive list of requirements, rules, and regulations, and be sure to utilize the various study materials and resources available to you.

Sites such as for example, have a wide range of useful resources to help you to study as a football agent and prepare for your exam. You’ll be able to see example questions, access countless pieces of material for revision, sit mock exams, and much more.

Mock Exams and Practice Tests

Speaking of mock exams and practice tests, the best way to enjoy a football agent career and forge a career for yourself as an agent to enjoy football agent commission is to sit mock exams and practice tests.

As mentioned, the FIFA agent exam consists of 20 questions that can be answered via multiple choice. The exam lasts one hour and in order for candidates to pass they must get at least 15 questions (75%) right out of 20.

Football agent exams UK can be tough to pass, which is why you need to ensure you are as well-prepared as possible. Mock exams and practice tests are a great way to get used to how the exam works, the question format, and the types of questions you will be asked.

Networking and Mentorship Opportunities

As the popular saying goes, it isn’t what you know, it’s who you know.

If you’re getting ready to sit your soccer agent exam and get into the sports business, it pays to sign up for various mentorship programs and opportunities and attend networking events.

By attending these events and signing up for these opportunities, you can gain valuable insight into how the sports agent industry works and gain some much-needed experience regarding the life of a football agent and the ins and outs of the industry.

Tips to Pass the Second Edition of the FIFA Football Agent Exam

Okay, so the time has nearly come for you to sit your FIFA exam. Needless to say, you’ll be eager to pass your football agent exam in order to open up an endless world of possible football agent jobs in the future.

While we can’t guarantee you will pass, what we can do is share a wide range of tips with you on how to pass your FIFA agent exam 2023. Check out these handy tips and who knows, you could soon be representing the next Messi or Ronaldo.

Time Management Techniques

When it comes to exams, regardless of which subject you’re sitting in, if you are looking to give yourself the best possible chance of success, you’re going to need to be able to manage your time more effectively.

Here are several time management techniques designed to boost your chances of smashing through your FIFA agent exam answers with no issues.

·         Arrive at your exam nice and early

·         Split your revision into chunks throughout the day

·         Don’t try too much revision into each study block

·         Allow extra time for unforeseen circumstances

Effective Study Habits

In terms of how to be a FIFA licensed football agent, if you wish to obtain your license and pass your agent exam, you will need to form some healthy and effective study habits.

Here are some simple, yet effective, study habits for you to form before your exam. 

·         Read a FIFA agent exam book and other revision materials

·         Research the topics your exam is going to be covering

·         Draw up a revised timetable

·         Use the services of professional football agent exam preparation companies

 Exam-Day Strategies and Tips

Okay, so now the time is finally here, it’s the day of your FIFA agent exam course. Soon you’ll be sitting down to make your way through your FIFA agent exam questions, so naturally you are going to need to be as well-prepared as possible.

Take a look at these FIFA agent exam preparation exam day strategies and tips and before you know it you’ll be the best English football agent that you can be.

·         Make sure you went to bed nice and early the night before

·         Wake up in plenty of time, drink some water, and have a balanced breakfast

·         Give yourself plenty of time to get to your exam

·         Make sure your laptop and any other equipment are fully charged and working     correctly

·         Read through your materials and ensure you have a solid understanding of the FIFA regulations and the topics your exam will be on

·         Read each question carefully and take plenty of time before answering

Frequently Asked Questions about the Second Edition of the FIFA Agent Exam

Before we wrap things up and leave you to become football’s most highly sought-after FIFA football agent, we’re going to go over a few common FAQs you’re likely to encounter regarding the FIFA agent exam 2023 and indeed, the FIFA agent exam 2024 for next year as well.

If you’re wondering how to become a licensed FIFA agent, the cost of the FIFA agent exam, how to book the FIFA agent exam, or anything else, these frequently asked questions should help clear things up.

Can I Take the FIFA Agent Exam Without Prior Experience?

You can, but it is not recommended. The questions for the FIFA agent exam are very specific and require precise knowledge of FIFA rules and regulations.

How Long Is the FIFA Agent Exam Valid For?

Once you pass your exam and obtain your license, you will be pleased to hear that your license will be valid for an indefinite period of time, and is valid worldwide.

What Happens if I Fail the FIFA Agent Exam?

If you do fail your FIFA agent exam, don’t worry, you can re-sit your exam, though you will need to book another, which you can sit 6 months later at the earliest.

How Much Does a FIFA Agent Exam Cost?

It costs approximately $600 to book a FIFA agent exam course.

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